Monday, October 22, 2007

Brief Update, Clutter, phobia work

I'm working on a longer entry to document a bit of exposure therapy I organized, but I'm trying to become more regular with my blog entries again, so I thought I'd at least check in with a brief entry here.

I'm sad to report that my dining room table is all cluttered up again. And it really is blocking energy! So I need to get that taken care of ASAP. I'm not posting a picture because I'm tired of taking pictures of that and you're probably tired of looking at them. I've also gotten a bit of clutter in some of the flat surfaces in the living room that were blessedly clear for such a long time. It's not horrible, though! But if I don't get them cleared soon, it could lead to horrible.

On the plus side, I have discovered Bloglines -- a blog aggregate site (free) which allows me to subscribe to my favorite blogs and sites, and has alleviated me of the stress I was feeling at not being able to keep up with the ones that have been really inspiring and useful to me. With Bloglines, I can instantly see which blogs have new entries and read them. Maybe I'm the last person on the internet to make use of this, but I thought I'd pass it on. It really has saved me a lot of time and angst!

I've also just started to read The Not So Big Life by Sarah Susanka.

I haven't read enough yet to know if this is going to be a really great book for me, but enough that I think it's worth mentioning for others to take a look at. I certainly embrace the idea of having a small, meaningful existence fraught with beauty. Susanka has a website at and offers for her readers some forums, inspirational quotes and chapter-by-chapter resources.

I end this entry with a picture of Dashboard Robin, a promise to soon relate what's happening on the driving/phobia front.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love to hear how you like the book - I looked at it recently on Audible but wasn't convinced to get it - it is still on my wish list.

I hired a cleaning woman to help me today - she came for the first time and put in many hours, letting me know that it was ok but not her regular standard - which will require much more cleaning to get to. DH (not dear today) came in and wanted to know why she hadn't washed the windows? He didn't even notice the huge piles of papers I had removed from the counter and winnowed down to less than one pile a half-inch tall! Almost a full garbage bag after I had torn it all in pieces.

Good luck with your dining room table - I actually got rid of mine because of the clutter!

:-D eirdre

9:01 PM, October 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My biggest problem is not having a dedicated room right now for a studio; therefore the entire house is my studio and I get overwhelmed by all of my projects and supplies. It's out of control at the moment. I think this weekend I need to work on one area at a time so I can cope with it and not be so overwhelmed. I really enjoy both of your blogs!

12:15 PM, October 25, 2007  

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